This will be written in the history of South Africa when Dr. Oprah Winfrey showed out her humility. We heard her commentaries and other related article about her contributions not only to the people working in the said university but also to the students who's been inspired by her short talk.
Prof. Dennis Francis made a tough review of her work and probably includes her appearances in television worldwide giving her thoughts and insights. And before we can forget, here's a statement of Dr. Oprah Winfrey from a few inspiring words mixed with remarkable emotion,
"What has happened here at Free State in terms of racial reconciliation, of peace, of harmony, of one heart understanding and opening itself to another heart is nothing short of a miracle. It is truly what the new South Africa is all about."As we read this line in Associated Press recently and due to our curiosity, we discover her inspiring work showing her as one of the world's powerful woman. She transformed life in a very simple manner, right?
Photos and online video of her appearances in University of Free State are now available in YouTube. You can try to look around from here and catch her soon in The Oprah Winfrey Show.
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