Asking of a weird story about how Kate dance in the tune of Cat Daddy from Rej3ctz? That's the odd thing that you need to forget because she probably need to do that in front of a camera or else. Terry Richardson, a fashion photographer stunned us when he presented the woman wearing an Earth warming dress showing her moves like nobody is watching. That video is currently available in YouTube and earned a lot of comments from the online viewers.
We cannot put our judgement far from the common clips in video streaming site but knowing Kate dancing in another nasty tune, that's a different story to tell, right? According to other report, that video has been banned due to some possible violations and has been restored few days ago when maker made a series of appeal. And there is no other malicious thing coupled on that clip but people are just probably saying their bad comments about of what they've seen which cause the moderator to remove it from their community.
Here's a video of Kate dancing in Cat Daddy tune showing no other stuff but her wonderful look. Have a great time before we lost this clip again.
Comments has been disabled in the source and probably to avoid the embarrassing words from anybody in YouTube. She captured the attention of the viewers earning an about 3-million hits in few days since the first appearance of her video.
We cannot put our judgement far from the common clips in video streaming site but knowing Kate dancing in another nasty tune, that's a different story to tell, right? According to other report, that video has been banned due to some possible violations and has been restored few days ago when maker made a series of appeal. And there is no other malicious thing coupled on that clip but people are just probably saying their bad comments about of what they've seen which cause the moderator to remove it from their community.
Here's a video of Kate dancing in Cat Daddy tune showing no other stuff but her wonderful look. Have a great time before we lost this clip again.
Comments has been disabled in the source and probably to avoid the embarrassing words from anybody in YouTube. She captured the attention of the viewers earning an about 3-million hits in few days since the first appearance of her video.
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